Important, please be aware of the assumptions and limitations of flood maps. For further information refer to the Learn about flooding link on this page. Limits of flooding shown on this map are not a boundary between flood prone and flood free land.

To view a flood map you can either:

  1. Click on a study name in the right hand column and click on one of the layers for that study. When the Auto Zoom Map box is ticked, the map will automatically zoom to the extent of the selected map layer, or
  2. Use the search features (in the boxes directly above and right of the map) and either type in an address or choose a council area or suburb. Click on any point of the map and a text box will appear with flood studies at or nearby that location.

The absence of flood studies (or maps) at a location does not mean there is no flood risk. When a location is queried and a text box appears stating 'no study data available at this location', it may be that:

  1. no maps are available at the location. This may be because the area has not been the focus of a flood study or that other flood studies may exist but are not currently available on the Flood Awareness Map
  2. the location is not affected by the map (or scenario) displayed, but could be by a larger scenario or flood event.

Predicted flood depth is available for some flood map layers by clicking on a location on the map.

Map Type
Flood Studies
Flood Studies in Map Area
More studies will be added as they become available