Embryo small, as wide or wider than high and restricted to the lower half of the seed; seeds usually medium to large, endosperm abundant and generally starchy, cotyledons minute or larger.
Embryo small and restricted to the lower half of the seed, expanded above into a head-like form; seeds usually medium to large, endosperm abundant and starchy, cotyledons minute.
Embryo basal-lateral or lateral, inclined to expand in the plane of the periphery, endosperm always starchy, small to half or rarely larger.
Embryo ordinarily elongate and large, quarter to dominant, contiguous in part at least to the testa and often curved, perisperm (not endosperm) conspicuously starchy, central or in a few instances lateral.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo small in relation to endosperm and seed with Embryo:Seed length ratio of ≤ 0.5. Embryo as wide as long.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo small in relation to endosperm and seed with Embryo:Seed length ratio of ≤ 0.5. Embryo longer than wide.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo large in relation to endosperm or endosperm lacking with Embryo:Seed length ratio of > 0.5. Cotyledon(s) not expanded, embryo longer than wide. Can be straight, bent, curved or coiled.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo small in relation to endosperm and seed with Embryo:Seed length ratio of ≤ 0.5. Embryo spoon-shaped.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo large in relation to endosperm or endosperm lacking with Embryo:Seed length ratio of > 0.5. Cotyledons expanded and wider than the stalk but not invested into the stalk.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo large in relation to endosperm or endosperm lacking with Embryo:Seed length ratio of > 0.5. Cotyledons expanded and wider than the stalk and invested into the stalk.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo large in relation to endosperm or endosperm lacking with Embryo:Seed length ratio of > 0.5. Cotyledons expanded and wider than the stalk which is jackknife bent.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and is differentiated into organs. Embryo large in relation to endosperm or endosperm lacking with Embryo:Seed length ratio of > 0.5. Cotyledons expanded and wider than the stalk and is folded in various ways.
Endosperm if present is non-starchy. Embryos not peripheral and not differentiated into organs.